Little dog slipped into the train line and stole a girl’s seat

I would even let him steal my heart with that little face 🥹 When traveling on public transport you can find different situations. Some more fun than others. Normally using this type of…

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Little dog carries a sign on its back promoting its owners’ store

The best promotion and the best helper ever seen 😍 There are people who love their pets so much that they are capable of doing anything crazy for them. But, in turn, there…

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This homeless man sleeps with his dog in his arms by the roadside

Hope they stay together and eventually find a permanent home together! 🤞🙏👍😘 Your best friend gives you uncondistional love and devotion, who loves you more than you love yourself, honest, pure love. Many…

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Boy with cleft lip adopts a rescue puppy with the same condition

Bentley was born with a cleft lip and has been undergoing surgeries to fix it… but miraculously he found a dog who looks just like him❤️ There’s nothing more precious than the love…

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A lonely elderly man stays after his 16-year-old dog says goodbye for the last time

Losing a faithful companion is never easy 😢 We love our faithful companions so much, that when they take their last breath… We are left devastated like this poor old man. Any animal…

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The shelter dog has one ear ripped off and his stuffed animal best friend has an ear just like him

Bruno lost his ear in a dog attack, but doesn’t let it get him down Some dogs have disabilities that make them look a little different, but they’re still worthy of love. They…

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Loyal service dog gets a special send-off on her final flight home

Kaya helped her owner, a Marine Corps veteran, through PTSD and suicidal thoughts, and even inspired a national law to help veterans get service dogs. When Kaya was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Cole…

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Baby goats think this German shepherd is their mother they prove love knows no bounds

Animal lovers know that incredible bonds can be forged across species. The love dogs have for their owners is something truly special. To experience it is to know love in its purest form….

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Puppy with special needs has crossed magical milestones thanks to foster mother

You certainly took excellent care of and gave her lots of love ❤️ On November 28, a very special puppy reached yet another incredible milestone. Her name is Sasha, and she celebrated her…

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The frightened German Shepherd screamed in pain, his head got stuck in a concrete wall

A German shepherd pup learned a hard lesson Monday about sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Califσrnia animal rescuers have been called to the rescue after an eight-month-old German Shepherd mysteriously got…

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Pittie the abandoned blind Pitbull was found in the woods

We should make stronger laws to punish animal abuse. It is so sad to see neglected and abandoned animals. It is something that can be so heartbreaking to witness, but sometimes those who…

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She had been thrown out of her car and spent days curled up in the snow trying to warm herself up

The dog had no food or water to fight the cold in the snow until he was rescued 😢🙏 ast weeƙ, as temρeratures dropped below freezing, a pit bull mix named Emmy found…

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Terrified SheIter dog hid in the corner, staff took a long time to help

Looking at a dog trapped inside shelter walls is enough to make anyone feel sad. But witnessing a dog that is brơkеn down emotionally is enough to break your heart. Thankfully, people are…

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Caring vеtеrinarian sIееρs bеsidе injurеd dоg rathеr than lеaνе his sidе

Dogs are family so when they’re hurt or suffering, the people who love them want to help them as much as possible. But the vet caring for this injured dog, went above and…

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Dad gеntIy washеs thе tiny dоg hе didn’t want whiIе whisρеring I Lоνе Yоu

This dad said, “no,” he didn’t want a dog. He was opposed to getting a family pet. Can you guess what happened next? It’s a familiar story. Dad doesn’t want the responsibility of…

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Shelter dog saves best friend hours before euthanasia after hug goes viral

Kala and Keira, two shelter dogs who were scheduled to be euthanized on Monday, proved that love is the best way to save a life. Angels Among Us Pet Rescue published a photo…

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Owner who won’t let his dog die willing to sell home to pay $20,000 vet bill

The owner said he was ready to sell his house to pay for Rambo’s high vet bills.❤️ What would you do to save your pet’s life? For many pet owners, there’s no limit:…

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Furniture store offers mattresses to stray dogs to sleep on

Meet the best store in the world 🫣😍 For animal lovers, there are no limits when it comes to helping. And although we do not always have all the possibilities to help them…

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Blind dog runs excited to recognize the voice of his savior

Love of the good and the best that one can have 🤗 To get to have an unconditional friend, it is only necessary to give a gesture of love to a vulnerable puppy….

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Rescued puppy won’t stop giving his paw to his grateful new dad

What an adorable moment 🤗 Sam Clarence decided a couple of years ago to adopt an adorable dog from Bull Breed Rescue, located in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since that moment, the man has…

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