Animal lovers know that incredible bonds can be forged across species.

The love dogs have for their owners is something truly special. To experience it is to know love in its purest form. Sometimes a dog will also sharе that devotion with another animal, and even animals from another species.
But sometimes animals take this devotion further. We’ve all seen the stories about a sweet cat taking care of an âbаndơnеd litter of kittens or a dog raising a puppy that is not her own. In some cases we’ve even seen animals step up and care for another species such as a dog raising a tiger cub or a monkey tenderly caring for a tiny kitten.
These stories are always precious and teach us lessons about how unconditional love can be. Some are more precious than others. Take, for example, this white German shepherd who has apparently adơрted an adorable baby pygmy goat, who thinks she’s her mother.
The beautiful German shepherd cuddles with her baby goat and gently wags her tail in happiness, just as all proud momma dogs do. The cute tiny goat snuggles up close to her canine nanny, nestled into the dog’s fluffy side.

According to the shepherd’s owners, Shadow has been caring for the baby goat as if it was one of her own puppies. Her little goatlet is adorable and she is super tender and loving toward her.
She loves to cuddle up close and give the goat lots of sweet kisses. She obviously is happy and smiling in her video. The baby goat seems just as content to be with her dog mom in the living room, without a care in the world with a brave German shepherd looking out for her.

We’re sure when this baby gets a little bigger the two of them will have plenty of fun together. They’ll probably run and jump and quickly outgrow that living room. But for right now, Shadow is content to care for her new baby and the scene could not be more adorable.
Please sharе this adorable friendship with your family and friends.