After 372 days at the shelter dog rescued from euthanasia is adopted

Major is now hitting the road with his new owner ❤️ For an animal shelter, there’s nothing better than the moment a pet gets adopted, especially if they have been with them for…

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Loyal dog won’t leave autistic lad’s side because they’re best friends

Dogs are superior to people. Simply said, they are the best friends we don’t deserve but do have. Here’s yet another illustration of their superiority. James Isaac, age 9, has autism, is unable…

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A lucky dog was rescued by officers from a frozen lake

Spanish police officers wade through frozen lake to save a Dog trapped In icy waters.💖 We’ve seen many stories of people braving harsh elements all to save a trapped pet. The incident occurred…

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Miraculous healing of a one-eyed dog because of abuse

Sweetie you are a beautiful baby loved by many.♥️ There are some [cr.uel] people in this world. It takes a sorry low life person to do this to a po.or dog or any…

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Michael J. Fox reveals new, adorable pet dog named Blue: Welcome to your new home

The actor said his previous dog helped him through his Parkinson’s battle, and we hope Blue will bring him the same comfort and joy ❤️ No matter who you are, there’s nothing like…

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Dog chased a bus because he wanted the driver to adopt him

It had an ending that many would expect ❤ Sometimes fate has surprises prepared for everyone and that is that on our way, without expecting anything, a little angel appears in the body…

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The dog has been waiting for its owner every day for 2 years since the owner died

When we speak about loyalty, dogs are the best illustration ❤️ A friendly neighbor notified Animal – Safe Shelter about ‘dying’ elderly dog in that abandoned residence. “A scenario that stopped me from…

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Lucky deaf dog was saved after being stung by thousands of bees

Stinger the dog was rescued by an animal shelter and is now on the mend from his bee sting injuries A DEAF dog who was abandoned after being stung more than 1000 times…

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The dog is only skin and bones and now he is changing

He was found in a locked room when his owner went on holiday 😢😢😢 He was discovered in a closed room while his owner was away, and because he was so underweight, no…

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The dog clings to the shores of Lake Lytham after bеing stuck in thе wаtеr аt overnight

The dog, which was a German Shepherd, was seen clinging to the banks of Fairhaven Lake Early this mσrning, sσmeσne nσticed the German Sheρherd clinging tσ life σn the shσre σf Fairhaven Laƙe…

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Police rescue lost dog despite heavy snowstorm outside

The officer went the extra mile, hiking a trail in the heavy snow to rescue the dog ❤️ It’s always inspiring to see people go the extra mile to help a pet in…

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Family drives 2,600 miles to adopt shelter husky with crooked smile

Harvey was born with a facial deformity that gives him a lopsided smile 🥰 Some animals are born with disabilities or deformities that make them look a little different. These animals are worthy…

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Firefighters rescue truck driver’s dog from storm drain, reunite her with owner

Trixie is now safe and sound and had a sweet reunion with her owner ❤️ Sometimes animals get stuck in some pretty tricky places and need a little human help getting free. That…

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Couple find hungry stray dog on the street, take her home when they see she’s pregnant

That’s so special ❤️❤️ There are so many stray dogs on the street fending for themselves. Thankfully there are some kind people in the world willing to go out of their way to…

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Boy with down syndrome has no friends, the dog’s reaction brought me to tears

This story is heartbreaking and it is proof of the senses of a dog. They know when something is good or bad. They try to cheer us up and be by our side…

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Shеltеr pup hеlps his dеаf & blind sistеr nаvigаtе thrоugh еvеrydаy lifе

A mama dog and her eight 3-month-old puppies were sadly a.ban.doned in rural Louisiana. Thankfully, a kind family found them and decided to keep the mom but asked a local rescue to find…

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Stray mama dоg curls up in a bоx with hеr puppiеs tо kееρ thеm warm

This rescuer figured out a simple way to get the mother dog to trust him. The mother dogs are recognized for the absolute safety of their babies. They will go to great lengths…

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Emotional Marine is reunited with his k9 partner after spending 3 years apart

All military dogs should be offered to thier former handlers upon retirement. 🤞💖 After serving side-by-side, eventually military dogs will have to retire and sometimes that means leaving their beloved partner behind. Such…

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He was born different and grew up fearing humans & he is sad

It’s been a little while since we first fσund σut abσut Quasimσdσ the dσg, sσ we thσught we’d catch yσu uρ σn his status, writes dσgfull This very sρecial ρuρ is σne σf…

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Male students on a daring upside-down mission to save a dog that fell into a canal

When a dog fell into a canal, this group of strangers went above and beyond to help. What a rescue! It’s always inspiring when people help animals, but some people really go above…

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