Now the two are inseparable and he follows her everywhere
The adorable baby elephant wants to spend the entire day playing with his mother!. No one can stand before the baby elephants lost their mother. Fortunately, some people are willing to turn their entire world upside down to save beautiful wildlife.
Roxy Danckwerst has been caring for and orp.haned animals for the past two decades. She has always worked to protect the wildlife that is [thre.ate.ned] by its natural habitat and is being exploited for human benefit.
Roxy recently returned home with a newly discovered baby elephant who had been a.ban.doned on the shores of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe. Moyo, which means “of the heart,” was given to the boy.
Moyo was only a few days old and weighed only 123 pounds when he has swept away while attempting to cross a flooded river with his elephant family. He is taken to Roxy’s rescue center, Wild is Life, in Harare, where he adjusts to his new surroundings and follows Roxy wherever she goes.
They are as close as a mother and son can be!
Roxy has cared for and rehabilitated many baby elephants before releasing them back into the wild, but Roxy will take a little longer with Moyo because he was afraid of everything and got Roxy even slept beside him every night at first, until she gained his trust.
The two are now inseparable, and he follows her everywhere, even sleeping on the couch next to her.
Check out these two adorable souls together, as well as Moyo’s crush on Roxy. When Moyo is ready to be released into the wild, it will be he.artbre.aking for these two, but Roxy knows it is for the best for the little elephant!
One day, they will have to be apart, but their hearts will always be together!. Her love for the baby elephant is so sweet. How wonderful to have a pet like that !!!!
God bless you for taking care of this animal and God bless your family. Bless the little elephant!
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